Sunday, November 16, 2008

This was taken last week. Hope you guys can see it. DCHE 2A/21 and im the camera man of cause. All the Stars wannabe all surrounding me. Watching Jay(edited) and Hebe. And Lin Jun Jie's cousin is right in front there at the teacher's desk. I don't believe it up to today but i guess its really true.

Heres a payback to what THIS GUY above has been doing to me. Bullying me in class and stuff. So FMA lesson was a boring yet good opportunity. Oh.... not to mention it wasnt my idea to take it.

Lots of things going around me. Too busy and stuff to do. I don't know how to manage my time though i can manage files on my com. MST coming up really soon. Don't know how to start studying. Astro test on friday and its 30%. Went for Astro test last week without knowing theres a test. Screwed up big time and messed up 10%. Oh.... grats to those who are done with O & N & A levels. You can laugh at me mugging away while you all enjoy life just like how i laughed at you guys last month. Oh well.......

I tried configuring NDS emulator. I thought it worked well till i tried to save. Im stuck up in this nonsense again. I don't have time to deal with it yet i can't get it off my mind. Requiring help regarding "no$GBA v6a" and if theres a 1/100000 chance that you know how to deal with it, please help me.

Mass downloading movies & animes while studying.