My title says it all. I dun need to elaborate any further. CEM chapter 5 is murdering me. I cant remember any bio shit i learned this morning. MTB formulas all forgotten. I guess i really have to start praying hard. I just realised i haven't studied finish anything because mostly all are halfway done. I will wake up early and sleep late till MST is over than i can RIP.
Went to school to study today. Studied from 10 - 5. Only 1 and half chapt of bio studied. What a total waste of time. Whats more, im studying by myself so no distractions, almost nothing to stop me. But now i cant remember any nonsense i learned this morning. Im really having "fun" with chemical engineering. To those who randomly come to this blog looking for a good course in poly, DO NOT CHOOSE CHEMICAL ENGINEERING IN SP OR U WILL DEFINITELY REGRET IT JUST LIKE ME AND I MEAN IT.
Praying hard that i will finish everything on time.
My dental appointment on monday. Removed my stitch. Ouch seriously, didnt expect them to "siscors"my gum. Really hurts. Cracked tooth still sensitive, given sysodyne (Dunno how u spell this). Today, removed a stitch in between my tooth myself, not supposed to do that but it really hindered my chewing.
I found sumthing really interesting while searching through UN peacekeeping. These 2 guys look seriously alike. Made me feel like laughing. Hair, face (almost), their smile and so on.

If you don't know who these 2 guys are, heres your bloghomework. SEARCH GOOGLE.
Thanks RYAN for saving me for CEM. Thanks to SHUFEN too. If not for them i wouldn't have any notes to copy from and i will DEFINITELY die. Thanks to FARHAN whom i sms daily to ask random MST things.
To all studying for MST. "JIA YOU" cuz i almost no more "you" le.
Went to school to study today. Studied from 10 - 5. Only 1 and half chapt of bio studied. What a total waste of time. Whats more, im studying by myself so no distractions, almost nothing to stop me. But now i cant remember any nonsense i learned this morning. Im really having "fun" with chemical engineering. To those who randomly come to this blog looking for a good course in poly, DO NOT CHOOSE CHEMICAL ENGINEERING IN SP OR U WILL DEFINITELY REGRET IT JUST LIKE ME AND I MEAN IT.
Praying hard that i will finish everything on time.
My dental appointment on monday. Removed my stitch. Ouch seriously, didnt expect them to "siscors"my gum. Really hurts. Cracked tooth still sensitive, given sysodyne (Dunno how u spell this). Today, removed a stitch in between my tooth myself, not supposed to do that but it really hindered my chewing.
I found sumthing really interesting while searching through UN peacekeeping. These 2 guys look seriously alike. Made me feel like laughing. Hair, face (almost), their smile and so on.

If you don't know who these 2 guys are, heres your bloghomework. SEARCH GOOGLE.
Thanks RYAN for saving me for CEM. Thanks to SHUFEN too. If not for them i wouldn't have any notes to copy from and i will DEFINITELY die. Thanks to FARHAN whom i sms daily to ask random MST things.
To all studying for MST. "JIA YOU" cuz i almost no more "you" le.
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