Mood: MIXED thoughts

On my murder list:
- MJF (Most wanted! Shud have whack u more when bee fly on u)
- Farhan (May u grow a sting on ur a**)
- Elijah (Drop ur camera hp on floor!)
- Ryan (May u laugh till u replace ur lung with plastic bag)
- SURESH AHMAD (SHould have tied ur bag to the railing with a lock last week)
And YOU GUYS KNOW WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I see that pict im going berserk!!!! I tore it up hoping i'll never see it again and this was what they did and again you all know why. You guys make my thursday crazy!!!! ARGGGG!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! but its kinda fun!
OK. back to End sem exam. Really going cuckoo over it. Oh its national day now. i've got some national day resolutions. I wasnt in a good mood today for 2 reasons during FMB presentation. I really screwed this module to no end, i guess its gg for me in this module and chem react but im praying hard i wont go all the way down. My dling is wasting my time and i juz realised im addicted to it. I wanna study so pls dun bother me!!! laptop!!! I hate my laptop for distracting me. IM chionging env now like siao so pls dun distract me. Im really stricken with fear and have dreams that i go for exam without studying. Thats the worst dream. Dun wan my GPA go below 3.5 or 6. Heard that ppl around that score cant even go U for nuts and i wont take my degree anywhere on earth except SG so i will type my NATIONAL DAY RESOLUTION.
I have really backslidedden in my faith and im trying so hard to not fall out. Total of 20% is holding me towards my faith due to parents, frens, and my "spiritual" conscience. I dun really wan this to leak out but those who read this pls dun mention it to others. I really dunno what happen to me.... i feel so hopeless that i wanna knock my head sumwhere. Is this what u call divine punishment?
1) GPA not below 3.7
2) Renew my faith (IMPT)
3) Control my words, thoughts, actions & speech
4) Train myself in gym with a little tutoring of cuz.
5) Complete Silent Hill game on PSP after exam without freaking.
Boku wa akiramenai! (I wont give up!)
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