Friday, July 28, 2006

A gloomy

Sometimes I wonder, who is my friend?
I realise Im the only one left
Just as I thought, i hate this feeling
But I know, this happens everyday
I'll get over this soon, or so i thought.

Quan came to class quite gloomy today. Mentioned that he had frenz trouble. Preparing to flunk all the class test, just dunno why that the whole atmosphere in our class made every1 or only me feel wierd and sumhow unhappy. It just wasnt like this last week, whats with this week? Quan was involved in a..... 1/2 ab SinC.... He seemed to be having social problems and i envy him for that. Not only him but Sum1 else (I cant say) is being abandoned by almost every1 and doesnt know but i dun feel sry for him. I must admit, people change drastically. Maybe "once upon a time" is coming to the last phrase, "The End".